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28 September, 2023

The Belonging Course

The Belonging Course

Have you heard about The Belonging Course?

In churches across the UK there is a growing awareness of the impact that social isolation has on the lives and life-chances of individuals, with 1 in 20 people now saying that they feel lonely most, or all, of the time.

In response to rising need for community and connection, Safe Families has produced a free resource to help equip churches reach those most in need.

Over the course of six-sessions the course invites participants to consider how individuals and churches can build cultures which help deep relationships form, without resulting in burnout for the same key members!

Natalie Williams, who contributed to the course, had this to say:

“A sense of belonging can make all the difference in someone’s life. I know that first-hand. I am so grateful to the lovely Christians who made me feel not just welcomed in, but included as part of the family. So I’m delighted that Safe Families have put together the Belonging Course and it was a privilege to be involved. I know it will be an invaluable tool to churches big and small across the country who want people to know not only that they matter to the God who made them, but also that they matter to us and we need them.”

The Belonging Course launches on 29th September, you can find out more and register your interest here.

28 September, 2023

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