Michelle Beckett
Abounding in Love

The reflection is in four chapters.

Chapter 1 provides an insight into how the Syrian crisis began and how the conditions for Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries have deteriorated.

Chapter 2 provides a biblical perspective on forced migration and in particular looks
at what it means to welcome the stranger, love our neighbour, the missionary
purpose of the church and Isaiah’s vision.

Chapter 3 looks at the ways in which local churches can help, from praying, getting
informed, raising awareness, being a positive voice about Syrian refugees,
networking, offering hospitality, befriending, fostering unaccompanied children,
offering a conversation club, hosting the Alpha course, to providing clothing and
household goods, to arranging transport to counselling sessions.

Chapter 4 concludes with looking at Jeremiah and how all is not lost and that God
also promises the Syrian people a future and a hope.